Announcing linesieve 1.0: an unholy blend of grep, sed, awk, and Python, born out of spite

April 2023 ∙ three minute read ∙

Java is notoriously verbose, especially when used in a serious Enterprise Project™. naturally, I made linesieve, a Python text munging tool to split output into sections and match/sub/split with the full power of Python's re module.

Here's an example of using it on a file listing (delay added to make it look cool):

ls -1 /* | linesieve -s '.*:' show bin match ^d head -n2 output
ls -1 /* | linesieve -s '.*:' show bin match ^d head -n2 output

You can find short examples in the reference, and an advanced example below.

Features #

linesieve allows you to:

  • split text input into sections
  • apply filters to specific sections
  • search and highlight success/failure markers
  • match/sub/split with the full power of Python's re module
  • shorten paths, links and module names
  • chain filters into pipelines
  • colors!

Here's a list of filters available in 1.0:

  • head – Output the first part of sections.
  • tail – Output the last part of sections.
  • span – Output matching line spans.
  • match – Search for pattern (think grep).
  • split – Output selected parts of lines (think cut).
  • sub – Replace pattern (think sed s///g).
  • sub-paths – Shorten paths of existing files.
  • sub-cwd – Make working directory paths relative.
  • sub-link – Replace symlink targets.

Installing #

Install it using pip:

$ pip install --upgrade linesieve

You can find:

Example #

Here's a juicy Java example – this linesieve command:

linesieve \
span -v -X \
    --start '^ (\s+) at \s ( org\.junit\. | \S+ \. reflect\.\S+\.invoke )' \
    --end '^ (?! \s+ at \s )' \
    --repl '\1...' \
match -v '^\s+at \S+\.(rethrowAs|translateTo)IOException' \
sub-paths --include '{src,tst}/**/*.java' --modules-skip 1 \
sub -X '^( \s+ at \s+ (?! .+ \.\. | com\.example\. ) .*? ) \( .*' '\1' \
sub -X '^( \s+ at \s+ com\.example\. .*? ) \ ~\[ .*' '\1' \
sub -X '
    (?P<pre> \s+ at \s .*)
    (?P<cls> \w+ )
    (?P<mid> .* \( )
    (?P=cls) \.java
    (?P<suf> : .* )
    ' \

... shortens this 76 line traceback:

12:34:56.789 [main] ERROR com.example.someproject.somepackage.ThingDoer - exception while notifying done listener
java.lang.RuntimeException: listener failed
    at com.example.someproject.somepackage.ThingDoerTest$DummyListener.onThingDone( ~[tests/:?]
    at com.example.someproject.somepackage.ThingDoer.doThing( ~[library/:?]
    at com.example.otherproject.Framework.doAllTheThings( ~[example-otherproject-2.0.jar:2.0]
    at com.example.someproject.somepackage.ThingDoerTest.listenerException( ~[tests/:?]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:?]
    ... 60+ more lines of JUnit stuff we don't really care about ...
12:34:56.999 [main] INFO done

... to just 7 lines:

12:34:56.789 [main] ERROR ..ThingDoer - exception while notifying done listener
java.lang.RuntimeException: listener failed
    at ..ThingDoerTest$DummyListener.onThingDone(:420) ~[tests/:?]
    at ..ThingDoer.doThing(:69) ~[library/:?]
    at com.example.otherproject.Framework.doAllTheThings(:1066)
    at ..ThingDoerTest.listenerException(:666) ~[tests/:?]
12:34:56.999 [main] INFO done

Let's break that down a bit:

  • span gets rid of all the traceback lines coming from JUnit.
  • match -v skips some usually useless lines from stack traces.
  • sub-paths shortens and highlights the names of classes in the current project; com.example.someproject.somepackage.ThingDoer becomes ..ThingDoer (presumably that's enough info to open the file in your IDE).
  • The first sub gets rid of line numbers and JAR names for everything that's not either in the current project or in another com.example. package.
  • The second sub gets rid of JAR names for things in other com.example. packages.
  • The third sub gets rid of the source file name; ..ThingDoer.doThing( becomes ..ThingDoer.doThing(:69) (in Java, the file name matches the class name).

For an even more advanced example, see how to clean up Apache Ant output.

Anyway, that's it for now.

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