Hi, I'm Adrian. Among other things, I do Python stuff on the internet.
I maintain reader, a Python feed reader library.
I have an endless fascination with SQLite.
In a past life, I was an SRE at a Fortune 10 company. I am now building ML/data infrastructure at one. Don't read too much into either of those facts.
Contact #
You can find me at lemon@andgravity.com, or on Twitter at @_andgravity.
Do reach out, I love hearing from people. :)
Colophon #
The site is built with a custom static site generator that uses:
- Flask to serve a web app
- Frozen-Flask to write the pages to disk
- Jinja to render templates
- Mistune to render Markdown with custom extensions
- Pygments to highlight syntax
- Pikchr to generate SVG diagrams
- Beautiful Soup to check for broken links
- DiskCache to cache things
- feedgen to generate Atom feeds
The design is based on Spectre.css.